Welcome to the City of Whitehorse's Open Data Page

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Please send any questions or YOUR data to gis@whitehorse.ca


Welcome to the City of Whitehorse Open Data Website

WhitehorseMap - Terms of Use
The information displayed on these web pages (Whitehorse Open Data) is provided as a public service by the City of Whitehorse on the following terms and conditions:
1. Whitehorse Open Data is provided on an 'as is' basis. The City of Whitehorse resumes no obligation or liability for the use of Whitehorse Open Data by any person and makes no representations or promises regarding the completeness, accuracy, correctness or timeliness of the information contained herein. The information provided through Whitehorse Open Data is for general reference purposes only and should never be relied upon to make any commitments, whether financial or otherwise.
2. All right, title and interest (including all copyright, patent and other intellectual property rights) in Whitehorse Open Data remain vested in the City of Whitehorse. The City of Whitehorse's original copyright and other proprietary notices must remain intact at all times.
3. Whitehorse Open Data is intended for the User's own internal business and personal purpose and may not re-sell, sublicense, or operate a service bureau using Whitehorse Open Data, or otherwise reproduce, publish or disseminate Whitehorse Open Data or the information contained herein for commercial purposes, without the prior written consent of the City of Whitehorse.
4. Where a conflict arises between Whitehorse Open Data and any other information contained in the records or documents of the City of Whitehorse or that may be prepared by or delivered to the City of Whitehorse, the City of Whitehorse reserves the right to decide which is considered to be the most accurate and complete.
5. Availability of Whitehorse Open Data is not guaranteed. Computer applications, servers and network connections may be unavailable at anytime for maintenance or unscheduled outages. Outages may be of long duration - do not depend on this service for critical needs.
The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, and/or any other warranty of another type whether expressed or implied. In no event, is the City of Whitehorse liable to users Whitehorse Open Data, or any other party, for any loss or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages; including but not limited to time, money or goodwill, arising from the use or modification of the information provided herein.

For Road Centre lines we use the NRCan national road network, which can be found here http://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/vector/geobase_nrn_rrn/yt/ or National Road Network - NRN - GeoBase Series
For Cadastre or lot lines we again use the NRCan data, which can be found here https://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/vector/geobase_nrn_rrn/yt/ (Zone 8)

Themed Data Available

Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
Snowmobile Bylaw Trails 10 May 2012 SHP DWG KML
Trails - NonMotorized 2005 SHP DWG KML
Trails - Ski 2003 SHP DWG KML
Trails - Ski - GPS 2003 SHP DWG KML
Trails - Motorized 2005 SHP DWG KML
TRAIL - Motorized Winter 2012 SHP DWG KML
TRAIL - Motorized Summer 2012 SHP DWG KML
Transit Bus Routes 2012 SHP DWG KML
Transit Bus Stops 2012 SHP DWG KML
Roads - Right of Ways 2014 SHP DWG KML
Roads - Center Lines 2014 SHP DWG KML
Trails - MMU - 2015 2015 SHP DWG KML
DownTown Parking zones March 2017 PDF - Downtown Parking Map 4.pdf
Transit Bus Stop Bench/Shelter Review 2014 Excel - 2014_Transit_Stop-Bench-Shelter_Review_1.xlsx
2014&15 Collision Stats 2015 Excel - 31_collision_stats.xlsx
Bridge Crossing sidewalk Counts October 2016 - Feb 2017 PDF - Monthly_East_Side_Bar_Graph_Oct_2016_Feb_2017.pdf


Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML Manual / Documentation
50cm Counters 2021 (from 2013&19 Lidar) SHP
Vegetation Inventory 2005 Sept 2005 SHP DWG KML Manual
Soil Inventory 2005 (Text) Sept 2005 SHP DWG KML
Soil Inventory 2005 (Polygons) Sept 2005 SHP DWG KML
Terrain (Text) Sept 2005 SHP DWG KML
Terrain (Polygons) Sept 2005 SHP DWG KML
Draft Water Inventory - Lakes approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Draft Water Inventory - Rivers approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Draft Water Inventory - Streams approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Draft Water Inventory - Streams Indefinite approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Draft Water Inventory - Watersheds approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Draft Water Inventory - Wetlands approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Sensitive Areas approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Sensitive Areas as used by Bylaw for 2011/12 ATV and Snowmobile bylaws approx 2011 SHP DWG KML
Additional Slopes as used in the ATV/Snowmoble bylaw as additional sensitive areas approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
Protected Areas 2004 approx 2004 SHP DWG KML
City_em_2d_polygon from Development Review approx 2003 SHP DWG KML


Base Map
Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
Contours 1m - Entire City -Tile map from 2013 Lidar Tile Map
Contours 1m - Entire City (warning large files) from 2013 Lidar SHP DWG KML
Contours 5m(index) - Entire City from 2013 Lidar SHP DWG KML
City Limits Approx 2002 SHP DWG KML


Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
Water - Hydrants 2023 January SHP
Water - Inline Bleeders approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Mains approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Manholes approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Meters approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Misc. Appurtances approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Misc. Points approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Misc Polygons approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Valves approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Vaults approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Water - Wells approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Catch Basins approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Catch Basins Manholes approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Culverts approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Ditches approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Mains approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Manholes approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Misc Lines approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Misc Points approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Outfalls approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Stations approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Storm - Valves approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Lagoons approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Mains approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Manholes approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Misc. Lines approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Misc. Points approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Misc. Polygons approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Outfalls approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Stations approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML
Sanitary - Valves approx. Q1-2016 SHP DWG KML


Parks and Recreation
Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
Playgrounds 2012 SHP DWG KML


Land Use
Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
Zoning Current Jan 2019 SHP DWG KML
Zoning Current Jan 16, 2023 SHP


Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
City Buildings 2012 SHP DWG KML
Building Footprints from 2011 aerial photo SHP DWG KML
COMM - YTG Fiber approx 2002 SHP DWG KML
COMM - WHTV Fiber approx 2002 SHP DWG KML
COMM - Conduit Fiber approx 2002 SHP DWG KML
COMM - CondoFiber 2002 approx 2002 SHP DWG KML
COMM - City Conduit approx 2002 SHP DWG KML
COMM - pull boxes(pits) approx 2002 SHP DWG KML
COMM - poles approx 2002 SHP DWG KML


Land Records
Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
Parcels Unsurveyed SHP DWG KML
Parcels Unsurveyed Text SHP DWG KML
Parcels Text SHP DWG KML


Description Date of Data SHP (zipped) DWG KML
Address Numbers 2012 SHP DWG KML
Address Numbers from Financial System (Diamond) 2014 SHP DWG KML
Subdivision Boundaries 2012 SHP DWG KML
Subdivision Neighbourhood Areas 2012 SHP DWG KML
Building Outline - from lidar 2021 SHP DWG KML


Description Date of Data file
Aerial Image - Sheet 1 - ECW August 2011 Sheet_1_ecw
Aerial Image - Sheet 1 - MapInfo Tab file August 2011 Sheet_1_tab
Aerial Image - Sheet 2 - ECW August 2011 Sheet_2_ecw
Aerial Image - Sheet 2 - MapInfo Tab file August 2011 Sheet_2_tab
Aerial Image - Sheet 3 - ECW August 2011 Sheet_3_ecw
Aerial Image - Sheet 3 - MapInfo Tab file August 2011 Sheet_3_tab
Aerial Image - Sheet 4 - ECW August 2011 Sheet_4_ecw
Aerial Image - Sheet 4 - MapInfo Tab file August 2011 Sheet_4_tab
WHSE_DEM_10M_HillShaded.PNG Fall 2011 (from 2000 contours) WHSE_DEM_10M_HillShaded.png
WHSE_DEM_10M_HillShaded.zip (with ovr,xml pgw) Fall 2011 (from 2000 contours) WHSE_DEM_10M_HillShaded.zip
Aerial Image - Sheet 1 - SID August 2011 Sheet_1_sid Sheet_1_sdw
Aerial Image - Sheet 2 - SID August 2011 Sheet_2_sid Sheet_2_sdw
Aerial Image - Sheet 1 - SID August 2011 Sheet_3_sid Sheet_3_sdw
Aerial Image - Sheet 1 - SID August 2011 Sheet_4_sid Sheet_4_sdw
Aerial Image September 2019 - 20cm - ECW September 2019 ECW file ECW (tfw) World File
Aerial Image September 2019 - 20cm - TIF September 2019 Tiff file Tiff World File


Description Date of Data file
Chadburn Park Study Area - 1m Contours 2012 ZIP
2013 LidarPoint Cloud
This HUGE - please download after hours (approx 60Gb)
2013 ZIP